Hand Lettering

I've always had pretty neat handwriting (people I went to school with used to joke around and ask, "What font is that?") and I've always enjoyed creating stylized hand lettering. Up until recently I've just done it for personal projects like card making and gifts for friends, but after doing some hand lettering work on my friend Marion's menu board, another local business got in touch asking for my services.

At first, the guys at Trippy Taco wanted me to create a template for their specials board that the employees could then write the daily specials on. After a few weeks, the bossman decided he loved the design of the board so much, he'd rather have me create some removable panels that could be swapped out on a daily basis instead of relying on his employees' artistic talents. 

Below are some photos of the specials board in the restaurant and the individual panels that I created for them. I must say I really enjoyed this project! I've been focusing on photography so hard lately that I've really neglected my graphic design and typography skills, so it was good to get back into it and have a fun project from a really great local business.